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CPA Advocacy

The CPA advocates for our members and promotes the value of the Caribbean
Psychedelic Association to legislators and policymakers. Through the Public Policy
Office located in Kingston, Jamaica, the CPA works to raise the industry’s political
visibility and profile as a driving force in the Caribbean economy through grassroots
advocacy, research, and public affairs campaigns.


The CPA’s Public Policy Council meetings serve as the central forum for all
interested CPA member companies to learn about the latest policy-related
developments impacting the psychedelic industry. Participants are encouraged to
provide guidance on CPA’s public policy agenda. All CPA member companies are
encouraged to have representatives from their government affairs, public affairs,
and/or legal departments participate.

Key Issues:

Licensing and Regulatory Environment

Cultivation & GMP

Retreats & Clinics

Treatment Guidelines

Smart Shops & Retail

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